This is pretty much what I conclude as my final. This was definitely a fun one, and continued learning experience. Winter Witch: The winter witch spen...
@i-god Really dope piece here, it will definitely be cool to see some color in this one. 🙂
@i-god that's coming along really cool man, looking forward to seeing how it evolves more. I'm trying hard to get something together here for this as ...
@cbinnsillustration ah man, that is looking awesome and it's not even done! I love it so far! Great work dude! 👍
@I-God Yes, exactly instead of wielding a broom, she uses a snow shovel,lol. 🤣 @cbinnsillustration Chris thanks so much for coming on here and no dead...
Alright, this is what I more or less conclude for this forum.
@Dr.Octagon: Yes!! This is the place to present, study, and observe; of hopefully soon to be =)
@Dr.Octagon: Do it bro, they're all yours to get down in =)
@Dr.Octagon: I'm excited to see them and have fun with it always! 😛
@Dr.Octagon: Thank you bro and no doubt! Yes, get in where you can, even it's just some rough sketches! 😎 Here is a rough first attempt of my W...
Let's get it crackin in here! 😎
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